This morning I was afraid of the extremes I was afraid that yet another two old men would fight For the wrong reasons That’s why I didn’t take my vintage red bike with a big basket – in which I always keep flowers on – to the lakeside so I could have coffee with the pastries I baked last night so I could do that today: I didn’t. Instead I Instead of giving up of fighting for the right reasons at all because for years My voice was trembling because of old men raising theirs for the wrong reasons my father being one of them my ex being one of them Instead I who hadn’t slept a second last night who couldn’t seem to close my eyes until I could peace something off for the right reasons this morning I peaced them off They are peaced off now Anyway, I walked quietly to duty I came back quietly and had breakfast in the kitchen counter Observing my cat sleeping on the next stool while listening to Eliot’s reciting Burnt Norton wondering what time future reserved for today’s evening Now. Last evening I was baking pastries so I could go have a piquenique of solitude Today’s morning on the lake Watch the ducks not have a clue about time and be so happy Now I’m sitting here at the lake, watching the celebration of my generation wondering what if I had come here this morning in the dismay that the old men would keep fighting me and everything every smile and every freedom I represent Wondering if I had come here this morning and instead of sitting in my car writing this in fear of old men’s showing up fighting again for their gods and their masters and their leaders Wondering if instead of being still quiet in fear of screaming liberty I had simply sat on the grass by the lake Would that simple act of being serene and beautiful like a blue butterfly have changed the outcome? I like to think it wouldn’t. I’m still fragile and thinking about the old men fighting my father yelling at me my ex yelled at me but for one thing we have just peaced them all off
There’s still chaos out there. But peace is in order.
How wonderfully written, and what an insightful way to share the doubts about how our democracies work, and how much hurt the yelling causes.
Great poetry.